Cloverbuds (5 to 8 Year Old Programming)
Cloverbuds is New Mexico's official 4-H program for 5-8-year-olds. Cloverbuds provides experientially based "learn by doing" experiences for this age group. The purpose of this program is to build competency in school-age children by focusing on the development of life skills: positive self-esteem, social interaction, decision-making skills, subject-matter knowledge, and physical development. Through development of these skills, children learn to live comfortably with others, express their own feelings safely, love life, and welcome new experiences. The curriculum title indicates 5-8-year-olds, but the age range can vary from 6-9. Programming is developmentally appropriate and involves the following principles:
Non-competitive, cooperative and individual learning activities as effective educational strategies for 5-8-year-olds.
Self-esteem development and social interaction that view the youth in the context of family and community.
Exploration of interest and skills in a variety of areas.
Age-appropriate recognition for participants.
Involvement of parents and/or other caring adults through their 4-H club/group.
Values ongoing relationships between 5-8-year-olds and caring adults and older youth.
For information on Cloverbud programs in your area, contact your local County Extension Office.